Stumbling upon this blog you may realize something, and that is there's probably quite a lot of music here that you may have never known about before. Here and there a random post may pertain to a mainstream album, but do not count on it. Now, since that's out of the way the blog itself is set up as a means of expressing my opinions on various albums of multiple genres and there is also a chance that there will be posts scattered throughout pertaining to my own musical recordings or the ones of other local bands. Who knows, you may find some interesting music on here, or not, but hopefully you will. (and the title is temporary until I can think of a better one)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Trocadero (now home of one of the greatest concerts)

April 2, 2010, a night which will not soon be forgotten. The night set the stage for Glass Midnight, Powerglove, Mutiny Within, and Sonata Arctica. Every time a new band took stage the expectations grew. Though, that is not to say any one band was bad. Actually, the first two bands exceeded expectations.

Glass Midnight is a New Jersey based metal band. Their singer is a far above many bands signed to major labels. While listening to him it came to mind how poorly so many people sing. Asides from having good clean vocals, he also has an exceptional growl that surpasses many other singers who perform such vocal styles. Adding to this is the music, which did not fail to impress. Overall, this is a band that should not be missed, and their keyboardist dressed as a pirate, which was pretty great.

After them came on Powerglove. Now, I did not expect anything exceptional from them, but I was completely wrong. Upon coming onto the stage in incredible stage outfits reminiscent of classic videogames it was clear they came to please. The first song performed was the Tetris theme song, and from there it just got better. At one point the frontman/bassist took a gigantic bag of starburst and threw them into the audience. The set finished with the Power Rangers theme song. Never did I imagine that song could be quite so fun. From beginning to end the song was pure energy, which was essentially the running theme of their whole set. After seeing them live I am now a fan of this band.

Now to the two bands I initially went to see. Starting off is Mutiny Within. There are few words to describe how incredible their performance was. Chris Clancy proved that in the studio and live his voice is nothing short of amazing. While listening to their album it is easy to see how fantastic their guitar work is, but seeing them live allows one to appreciate their keyboardist. He may be considered an overlooked member of the band because he is often overshadowed by the other instruments, but by seeing him live it is easy to say that he is just as talented as the rest of the band, and together the band is the best metal band to come out in quite some time.

Alas, the headline band, Sonata Arctica. There are absolutely no words to explain how amazing this band is. Even before they came on stage they were amazing. This is becaue they started the show with a recording of their instrumental "Everything Fades to Gray." From there they set the new standard for what a show should be. Every song they performed was perfectly performed. Tony Kakko still shows that he is a great frontman, whether it is with talking between songs or what he does on stage during a song, he is always entertaining. Every member of the band demonstrated their skill as musicians, which is no surprise considering their extensive experience playing across the world. This band should never be missed by anybody, and when they come around again there is no doubt that I will see them again.

After the show I had the pleasure of meeting several band members. First was the drummer, keyboardist, and bassist of Mutiny Within, who all signed a cd and poster for me. Then were various members of Glass Midnight, who were all pretty cool. While waiting outside for Sonata Arctica I had the pleasure of meeting Chris Clancy. Also while waiting outside members from Powerglove were packing up their equipment and also giving out starburst. Then, after an hour and a half wait and standing outside in Philly at 1:30 AM Sonata Arctica came out. This will be one of the greatest momemts of my life, becuase they are rank highly amongst my musical idols. Pictures were taken with Tommy, the drummer, and Tony Kakko. April 2, 2010 is a night that will never be forgotten, and a show that will be hard to top.

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