Stumbling upon this blog you may realize something, and that is there's probably quite a lot of music here that you may have never known about before. Here and there a random post may pertain to a mainstream album, but do not count on it. Now, since that's out of the way the blog itself is set up as a means of expressing my opinions on various albums of multiple genres and there is also a chance that there will be posts scattered throughout pertaining to my own musical recordings or the ones of other local bands. Who knows, you may find some interesting music on here, or not, but hopefully you will. (and the title is temporary until I can think of a better one)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My band: Summer Solstice

I feel it is time for a little shameless self promotion. This shall be done for my sorta band, Summer Solstice. As of late there has been a sudden increase in profile views, from around 400 to more than 3000. All this within a span of three and a half weeks. Due to this, I am inclined to care more about the page, but there is a major problem; there is no band.

The project was started early 2009, and never really did much, but now it is time to act. Members needed for the project include:
-singer (female or male, or both)
-possibly another guitarist

Major influences include Nightwish, Sonata Arctica, Leaves' Eyes, Tori Amos, and various power/symphonic/gothic metal bands. There is always room for genre blending. Afterall, too much of one genre gets stale, which is why it would be very interesting to include some dark cabaret into the mix, along the lines of bands such as Stolen Babies and Birdeatsbaby. Honestly, it would be very interesting to have a male and female singer, which would open up room for duets and vocal harmonies.

If anyone knows anyone interested in joining a band it would be appreciated if you tip them off about this one. At the moment the myspace page is pretty empty, with the only music being demos and concepts to be included in future songs. I am currently recording a new song which I hope to upload sometime this week. Still, if you're interested then you can check out the page here

Any help is much appreciated, thanks, have a great week.

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